Netiquette, which is short for Internet etiquette, is the code of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on the internet; that is, it is the conduct expected of the individuals while online. Netiquette, includes rules for all aspects of the internet, including the World Wide Web, e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, FTP and newsgroup.
1. In e-mail, chat rooms and news groups:
Keep message brief. Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
1.Be careful when using sarcasm and humor, as it might be misinterpreted.
2.Be polite. Avoid offensive language.
3.Read the message before you send it.
4.Use meaningful subject lines.
5.Avoid sending or posting flames, which are abusive or insulting messages.
Do not participate in flame war, which are exchanges of flames.
2. Avoid sending spam, which is the internet’s version of junk mail. Spam is an unsolicited e-mail message or newsgroup posting sent to many recipients or newsgroup at once.
3. Do not use all capital letters, which is the equivalent of SHOUTING!
4. Read the FAQ (frequently asked questions), if one exists. Many newsgroup and Web Pages have an FAQ.
5. Do not assume material is accurate or up-to-date. Be forgiving of other’s mistake.
6.Never read someone’s private e-mail of course.